DETR Unemployment Insurance Fraud Reporting Form

DETR Unemployment Insurance Fraud Reporting Form
Please provide all known information regarding suspected fraud, as accurate and thorough information will help facilitate an efficient investigation. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Your identity will be kept confidential. We cannot provide information on the results of any investigation. Your information is appreciated.
Employee/Complaint Information
Please provide us your contact information. (All information is kept strictly confidential).
Additional Information
Discovered through:
Additional Reporting Issue(s)
Please select the type(s) of issue(s) you wish to report. You may select more than one.
Additional Documentation
File Types Allowed (.doc, .docx, .docm, xls, .xlsx, .txt, .pdf, .rtf, .snp, .msg, .tif, .tiff)
Drop files here, or browse to attach files
Confirmation Required
Are you sure you want to remove the selected file?
Due to strict confidentiality laws, the Nevada Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation cannot confirm or deny an investigation initiated by the submission of this form nor can updates or outcomes be disclosed. We will review the necessary files and records in light of the information you have provided to determine the most appropriate action. If you provided information about yourself, you will be contacted again only if it is necessary to complete our investigation. Thank you for assisting in our effort to fight fraud, waste and abuse.
By submitting this report, I certify that all information provided is true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that filing a false report is a fraudulent act and may be subject to civil and criminal action.
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